Accountant’s Fees and Charge-out rates

We offer potential clients a free initial phone or video call or meeting. This is a chance to get to know each other and understand how our services could meet your needs; at this stage, we can provide general information, but we cannot advise you until formally appointed.  

We are happy to provide fee estimates when we can understand the scope of work. Our fees are based on the following:

  • the time spent on your affairs and assignments 
  • the levels of skill and responsibility involved,
  • the importance and value of the advice,
  • the level of risk.

Disbursements and expenses for travel, accommodation and other expenses incurred on your behalf in dealing with your affairs will be charged to you where agreed in advance and appropriate.

Most of our clients pay a monthly service charge for their estimated fees on monthly direct debit. The payment due date will be specified on each fee invoice. If you do not accept that a rendered invoice is fair and reasonable, you must notify us within seven days of receipt.

Our current hourly charge-out rates are as follows:

  • Partners £130 to £260
  • Managers £90 – £180
  • Seniors £60 – £120
  • Juniors £30 – £60
  • All plus VAT

These typical charge-out rates applicable may be amended from time to time in the future; we will be pleased upon request to supply details of current rates and to provide an estimate of the likely costs involved before the commencement of work or any assignment.

Where requested, we may indicate a fixed fee up to a year ahead to provide specific services or an indicative range of fees for a particular assignment.

We adjust our charge-out rates and fees annually for inflation. 

If it becomes apparent to us, due to unforeseen circumstances, that a fee quote is inadequate, we reserve the right to seek your agreement to a revised figure or range.

We quote individual fees because no two clients, businesses, or bookkeeping records are identical.

Our associated firm, Clarke & Wright, provides legal documents, including Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, and Trusts, and their fees are published on their website.