Company Tax Return Essentials: CT600 and Corporation Tax

company tax return


Welcome to our introduction to Company Tax Returns, CT600, and Corporation Tax. This article is designed to be a valuable resource for business owners, financial professionals, and anyone involved in managing a company’s financial obligations.

Understanding the complexities of tax compliance can be challenging, but it is crucial for the successful operation of your business. Our guide delves into the essentials of Company Tax Returns, the intricacies of the CT600 form, and the nuances of Corporation Tax. Whether you’re new to business finance or looking to refresh your knowledge, this article aims to provide clear, concise, and practical information to help you confidently navigate these critical aspects of business taxation.

Businesses with limited liability in the UK are subject to Corporation Tax, a levy on their profits. Navigating the complexities of Corporation Tax can be daunting, particularly for new business owners. This comprehensive guide explores the intricacies of Corporation Tax, offering valuable insights.

What is Corporation Tax?

Corporation Tax is a tax on the profits of limited companies in the UK. It is calculated by applying a specific tax rate to a company’s taxable profits. The current Corporation Tax rates are:

  • Small profit rate: 19% for profits up to £50,000
  • Main profit rate: 25% for profits over £250,000

Who Needs to Pay Corporation Tax?

Typically, all limited companies incorporated in the UK must pay Corporation Tax. Exceptions include:

  • Sole traders and partnerships
  • Charities and community amateur sports clubs
  • Non-profit organisations

Company Tax Return

A Company Tax Return is a mandatory document all limited companies must submit to HMRC, the UK’s tax authority. The return details the company’s financial performance for a specific accounting period and determines Corporation Tax liability.

Critical Components of a Company Tax Return

The Company Tax Return includes several essential components:

  • CT600 form: The primary form for reporting company profits
  • Company accounts: A detailed breakdown of the company’s financial transactions
  • Computations: Explanations for the figures included in the return
  • Supplementary documents: Additional information as required

Overseas Profits and Corporation Tax

UK-based companies must pay Corporation Tax on all worldwide profits. Companies taxed overseas may claim double taxation relief to prevent paying the same tax twice.

Submitting Your Company Tax Return

Company Tax Returns are submitted online through HMRC’s website. The deadline is 12 months after the accounting period’s end. Accountants use professional tax software to create and file these returns. Late filing leads to penalties.

Corporation Tax Payment

Corporation Tax payments are due nine months and one day after the accounting period ends. Late payments may incur penalties.

Reducing Corporation Tax Liability

Businesses can reduce Corporation Tax liability through:

  • Paying salaries: Salaries are deductible expenses, lowering taxable profits.
  • Claiming allowable expenses: Proper recording and claiming of business expenses reduce taxable income.
  • Capital Allowances: Investment in business assets may qualify for Capital Allowances, reducing Corporation Tax.
  • Research and Development (R&D) Tax Relief: Companies involved in qualifying R&D activities may claim tax relief.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Due to its complexity, professional advice from an accountant is often beneficial for Corporation Tax. Accountants help prepare tax returns, maximise tax efficiency, and ensure compliance with HMRC regulations.


In conclusion, understanding and effectively managing Company Tax Returns, CT600, and Corporation Tax is pivotal for any UK business’s financial health and compliance. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these critical aspects, offering insights and strategies that can be applied to your business practices. Remember, staying informed and proactive in tax matters is critical to ensuring your business thrives in a competitive environment.

If you’re seeking further assistance or tailored advice for your specific business needs, Mercian Accountants are here to help. Our experienced professionals are dedicated to providing bespoke accounting solutions and guidance. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of tax returns, understanding the CT600 form, or optimising your Corporation Tax strategy, we have the expertise to support your business’s growth and compliance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the next step towards financial clarity and success.

About Graham

Accountant specialising in tax, property, and estate planning. A regular speaker at landlord, property Investor, and later life planning events.

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